10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is A Loser

Jared Odulio
1 min readAug 25, 2019


Sorry about the title. Finally, I got your attention but let’s keep this post as relevant as possible , short and simple as possible. I would probably explain each in the comments section. So cheers!

  1. Your boyfriend doesn’t know how to effectively initialise a JavaScript array.
  2. Your boyfriend still writes legacy Java code.
  3. Your boyfriend always look nervous in a Hangouts call with a client during Dev huddles.
  4. Your boyfriend is bashing jQuery but lacks the solid experience.
  5. Your boyfriend don’t know a single Unix terminal command
  6. Your boyfriend don’t know how to switch between git branches in a Unix terminal command
  7. Your boyfriend only knows Ubuntu.
  8. Your boyfriend is ranting against Heroku but never tried deploying apps in production with a Private Space plan.
  9. Your boyfriend don’t know basic SQL joins
  10. Your boyfriend is fainting on stage.

Before you get triggered, this post has nothing to do with relationships and this page is solely dedicated to software development.



Jared Odulio

Developer of really cool apps in Vue and Bulma, Sketcher wannabe, Mercedes-Benz fanatic, SWAG Equities Trader, Certified Securities Representative